Southern Joint Stock Corporation
OM6600 is also a pure rice variety, which has been recognized as a national variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The OM6600 variety was tested in the Mekong Delta from the 2005-2006 winter-spring crop to present 20,000 hectares.
OM6600 is also a pure rice variety, which has been recognized as a national variety by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The OM6600 variety was tested in the Mekong Delta from the 2005-2006 winter-spring crop to present 20,000 hectares.
This variety has many advantages such as very good tillering, beautiful shape, cluster cotton, unreliable, high yield, glutinous, fragrant rice, resistance to brown plant hopper, yellow dwarf disease, twisted leaves dwarf, yield from 6 -8 tons / ha, capable of developing well in most provinces of the Mekong Delta. This is a very good variety to put out a wide area and add to the seed structure for these regional provinces.
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